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AcuCare Rates

Contact us for questions about rates, custom packages, and promotions!

Acupuncture Treatments

Initial treatment


60 mins follow-up

30 mins


Cosmetic Acupuncture


Cupping Therapy (30 mins)


Guasha (30 mins)


Add Cupping (after acupuncture)


Add Guasha

















* Acupuncture treatment include inquiry, tuina or cupping or gusha, and needling

Massage Treatments

60 mins Tuina*

30 mins


Wu's Head Massage* (45 mins)










​* Both Tuina and Wu's Head Massage include Acupressure

Payment Methods Accepted

Treatment receipts can be submimtted for insurance reimbursemnt if your plan covers acupuncture service provided by registered acupuncturist with the CTCMPAO.

Missed Appoinments

We require a 24 hours notice for any cancellation or changes to your appointment, or we might charge you a fee of $20.  The $20 cancellation fell will also be charged if you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment and we are unable to see you.


However, please stay home if you have a fever or chills, a cough or other upper respiratory symtoms, vomiting/diarrhea, or if you are caring for someone who is ill. We do not charge for late cancellations in this case.


Please always come in our clinic 10 minutes earlier to avoid any traffic congestion. Also, please fill out the online COVID-19 survey (for in-clinic visits) and a health history form (first time patients).

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