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Healthy Foods & Drinks


Snow Fungus w Pear Soup (dessert) Recipe

Benefits: It can help to soothe and moisten the lungs to prevent coughing and tonify the whole body while maintaining it at dry cooler temperatures.


  • 1 piece of dried snow fungus

  • 2 Chinese pears

  • 2 tbsp of goji berries or 3 large red dates

  • 1 tbsp Chinese apricot kernels

  • 2 pieces of dried tangerine peel

  • 1 litres of water

  • 20-gram rock sugar or 3 tbsp of fine sugar (Optional)


  • Rinse the snow fungus and soak in warm water for at least 1 hour. Remove the hard stem ends and cut into small pieces.

  • Core and dice the Chinese pears.

  • Prepare the pot of water.

  • Place the Chinese pears in the pot and then add goji or red dates, Chinese apricot kernels, dried tangerine peel and snow fungus.

  • Bring to a boil and turn the heat down to low, and simmer for one hour.

  • Add 3 tbsp of fine sugar or 20 gram of rock sugar (Optional).

  • Turn off heat and serve hot or warm.





Links for more Healthy Foods & Drinks

5 Healthy Low-Calorie Recipes For Weight Loss

Food and Body Dampness: What to Eat & What to Avoid?

5 Low Carb Meals for Diabetics that Don't Spike Blood Sugar

女生必备养生汤!补气养血,美容养颜 (Nourishing Soup for Women)

清炖萝卜养生汤,经常喝提高免疫力预防感冒降三高 (Soup for Improving Immunity, Preventing Cold, and Lowering Three Highs)


Please remember that the videos and links that provided in AcuCare website are for recommendation or suggestions only.  Please check from your family doctors or physicians about any risk that might affect your health from the foods or exercises suggested here.

Winter Tips for COVID-19 and Common Flu

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