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Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine therapy using moxa made from
dried mugwort (Artemisia argyi). The burning moxa wool is used to warm the acupoints, the
affected area of abdomen, back, and joints. During the moxibustion therapy, the heat of
moxa penetrates the skin, acts on the body through the meridians and acupoints.
Eventually, Moxa can remove “evils” (which are wind, cold and dampness that are harmful
to the body according to TCM) and blood stasis, sooth the meridians and collaterals, and
release the pain caused by the block of qi and blood.


Conditions that moxibustion helps:

  • ​Pain due to injury or arthritis. ï‚·

  • Digestive problem, such as abdomen pain and diarrhea. ï‚·

  • Dysmenorrhea. ï‚· 

  • Breech presentation in late term pregnancy. ï‚·

  • Maintain the health and prevent diseases.

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