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Acupressure/ Wu Head's Massage

Acupressure is a manual therapy technique that is used to relieve pain and muscle tension. It stimulates the body's circulatory, lymphatic and hormonal systems and is performed by using fingers gradually pressing onto meridian points around the body to simulate pain relief and muscle relaxation.


​It helps relieve stress and anxiety, improves sleep, relaxes muscles and joints, regulates digestive issues, minimises headaches and migraines, and is also beneficial for back pains and menstrual cramps.

Wu's Head Massage

Wu’s Head Massage is a form of reflexology for the head. It involves a combination of sixty
specific and gentle manipulations which provide a relaxing and rejuvenating experience among
numerous other benefits such as stress, computer vision syndrome, Insomnia, vertigo, post-stroke
issues, migraines or headache.


Tuina massage is an ancient form of massage that focuses on balancing a person’s energy. Tuina practitioners use massage and manipulation techniques to achieve a therapeutic effect. The massage aims to balance the flow of qi through a person, which proponents claim encourages natural self-healing within the body.

It can help with

  • musculoskeletal disorders such as frozen shoulder syndrome, sciatica, and whiplash

  • digestive system disorders such as gallbladder inflammation and stomach ulcers

  • circulatory system disorders such as hypertension and an irregular heartbeat

  • reproductive system disorders such as menstrual irregularities and sexual dysfunction

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