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Cupping Therapy

Cupping therapy is putting a plastic or glass cup on a specific part of the body surface and use heat or vacuum to remove the air in the cup. The negative pressure produces extensive stimulation and forms local redness and swelling, and prevent diseases.


Usually, the cup is kept on the body for 5-15 minutes. The local passive reddening and swelling helps to improve the local circulation in the tiny blood vessels, boosts metabolism, promotes the exchange of blood and qi within your body, and relieves the muscle pain and ache. It can also be used as a diagnostic method based on the color changing after cupping and guides the further therapy. For example, if the cupping reveals purple coloration, it means the blood stasis. And light red could mean lack of nourishment.


Conditions that cupping therapy helps:

  • Arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Back pain & neck pain.

  • Knee pain & shoulder pain.

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