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What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient system of therapy which is used in China for more than 2500
years. Now it has been spread all over the world. The acupuncturist penetrates a disposable,
sterilized, thin, metallic needle into the acupoints to treat physical and mental conditions.


According to the foundation of TCM, the meridians and collaterals (you can think of them as
lines within a net) are distributed throughout the body, with one another, and also with the
organs, the limbs, the tissues, and the sense organs. These meridians and collaterals
transporting qi (energy) and blood throughout the body and protect the body. The
acupoints are aligned on the meridians and collaterals. Needling theses points can adjust
the body’s function by transmitting qi to the affected area. Also, from a TCM perspective,
our emotions and the organs have very closely relationship, thus the unbalance emotions
can be improved with the treatment.


Conditions that acupuncture helps: ï‚·

  • Relieve chronic pain, such as arthritis, headaches, back pain, neck pain, menstrual cramps, sports injuries. ï‚·

  • Eczema, acne. ï‚· cancer treatment side effects ï‚·

  • Pre-Menstrual Syndrome, Dysmenorrhea, Irregular Menstruation, Menopausal Syndrome, Amenorrhea ï‚·

  • Digestion condition ï‚·

  • Insomnia ï‚·

  • Edema ï‚·

  • Anxiety/Depression/Stress

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